Break barriers in education.

Clear communication and understanding is the foundation of learning, teaching, and succeeding in school. Traditional masks can affect communication, blocking the ability to see facial expressions, emotions, and visual cues.

The ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Masks help restore communication at all levels of education, from story time in preschool to university lectures. Students, teachers, parents, and caretakers alike benefit from improved visual communication, especially among young children, those who are deaf or hard of hearing, neurodiverse individuals, and students in special education.

clear mask smile

Clear communication showing smiles

clear mask medical grade

Clear, medical grade mask cleared by the FDA, CE-marked, and approved for use in Canada and the UK

clear mask ada

Compliant with ADA, CDC, and OSHA recommendations

“This adaptation provided a sense of normalcy for the students, as well as for myself. Even with the transparent masks, I didn’t feel my class was drastically different compared to last fall.”

Are schools and colleges required to provide the ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Masks?

Teachers, faculty, and staff should especially utilize transparent, see-through masks if masks are needed and they regularly interact with students who are deaf or hard of hearing, students learning to read, students with disabilities, and those who rely on lip reading as a part of learning, such as students who are English Language Learners.

Please refer to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on providing transparent masks for use in K-12 schools and colleges and universities. Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students and parents are entitled to “effective communication,” and participants in an education setting can request a reasonable modification to existing mask policies, including alternative face coverings such as ClearMask™ transparent surgical masks.

For specific populations, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests transparent masks as an option.


We also have information available about the ClearMask™ brand, regulations, ordering, and accommodations. Get the information you need to deliver inclusive, human-centric care and services.

See the person, not the mask.™

Helps teachers communicate better

“Visual communication is the lifeline for many individuals with Down Syndrome. They communicate through sign language, lip-reading, facial expressions, gestures, and countless other visual cues. The ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Mask helps make visual communication possible while keeping our community, teachers, and caretakers safe!” - Down Syndrome Alliance

clear mask family

Supports social, emotional, and language development

“All young children need to see the full faces of the important adults in their lives! The ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Mask helps children develop communication and social skills by allowing babies and toddlers to observe expressions and non-verbal cues from caretakers and teachers. Simply put, the ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Mask is essential for brain development during this important stage in these young children’s lives.” - Florida Association for Infant Mental Health

clear mask teacher

Allows full visibility for optimal learning

“Children need to see your face, and at younger ages, all they know is interaction. In the long run, these masks will benefit the kids and their development. The ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Masks allow faces to be visible, thus allowing the children to observe their caregivers’ expressions and nonverbal cues. ” - Future Stars Academy

clear mask university

Restores student-teacher connections

“A clear mask can make a positive difference in a student comprehending a lecture while keeping everyone safe. According to one professor, students are able to see his body, posture, and facial expressions, as he wanted both his online and in-person students to have the same experience to see when he's smiling and encouraging them to answer a question. The clear masks complete the picture.” - Duke University

Is the ClearMask™ a face shield?

No, the ClearMask™ brand produces transparent surgical masks and transparent face masks, which offer distinctly different protection than transparent face shields. The CDC does not recommend using face shields or goggles as a substitute for masks. For more information about the differences between surgical masks, face masks, and face shields, please view the CDC guidelines. The ClearMask™ brand does not make transparent face shields, only transparent surgical masks and transparent face masks that cover the wearer’s mouth and nose when worn properly.