Making a clear difference across the board.
In a study from the Journal of the American Medical Association Surgery, 100% of patients whose provider wore the ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Mask preferred the transparent mask, citing improved provider communication and appreciation for full face visibility.
““The ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Mask is a game changer. Regular masks can amplify the perception that doctors are impersonal, which can impact our hospital’s patient satisfaction scores and reimbursement. Transparent masks help us improve our bottom line while providing more compassionate care to all patients.””
Increases connection with others
"I use the ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Mask in the clinic to add comfort and communication for my patients. Many of them comment that they feel more connected and relaxed because they are able to see my face! This mask has really opened doors and has reduced many feelings of isolation." - Lauren
Improves access to full communication
“Wearing a face mask has become very common during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who are deaf and hard of hearing have found communication to be increasingly challenging with visual cues removed from conversations. We use the ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Masks to ensure nothing is lost in translation during every patient appointment.” - Aurora Audiology LLC
Strengthens patient-centered care
“With the introduction of the ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Mask at UCHealth, patients appreciate being able to see the face and can understand so much better. According to one patient, it makes them so happy to see the doctor, to see the interpreter, to see people and feel that human connection.” - UC Health
Provides safe and friendly customer service
“We provide essential services to hundreds of thousands of people. All of our trainers and managers wear the ClearMask™ Transparent Surgical Masks to keep customers safe, which is a continuation of our commitment to our customers’ safety and providing the best experience possible with our red-carpet service. We want to make sure everyone is protected and able to understand us when we deliver our products.” - CaptionCall